

Icon depicting POS Interiors' transformative Office Refurbishment Services.

We understand the importance of a modern, inspiring, and functional workspace. Our customised office refurbishment services will revitalise your existing space, to embrace modern working practices, align with your company values and fulfill your employees' needs.

The POS Difference: Revive Your Space

Our expert team breathes new life into your workspace, transforming it into a vibrant, efficient environment that encapsulates your brand identity and promotes collaboration and creativity. Experience the potential of your existing office with our comprehensive refurbishment solutions.

Our Office
Refurbishment Process

Our sustainable refurbishment process is methodical and meticulous. We focus on enhancing your workspace's functionality and aesthetic appeal, ensuring a transformation that remains true to your unique requirements and vision.

  • We begin by understanding your changing needs, as well as the challenges and opportunities presented by your existing workspace. This process is enhanced by our Workplace Consultancy and Design services, ensuring a seamless transition to the refurbishment stage.

  • Our team will develop a meticulous plan that outlines every aspect of the refurbishment, from the layout and materials to the required approvals and any necessary structural alterations.

  • We will establish a detailed budget for your refurbishment project, ensuring all costs are transparent and manageable. Our procurement team will source high-quality materials and collaborate with trusted suppliers to guarantee the best outcome for your investment.

  • Our dedicated project managers will oversee every stage of the refurbishment, coordinating with contractors and suppliers, managing timelines, and ensuring that your project is completed on time and within budget.

The Benefits of a Professional Office Refurbishment

Experience an uplift in productivity and a more positive company culture with our tailored refurbishment solutions. Our efficient methods minimise disruption, delivering a revitalised workspace that aligns seamlessly with your business objectives.

  • An office refurbishment offers the opportunity to reinvigorate your workspace, improving its aesthetic appeal, functionality, and overall atmosphere.

  • By optimising the layout and design of your refurbished office, you can create a more efficient working environment that supports your team's productivity.

  • A refreshed workspace, featuring ergonomic furniture, optimal lighting, and biophilic design elements can have a significant impact on employee health, happiness, and overall wellbeing.

  • Refurbishing your existing office can be more cost-effective than relocating, allowing you to maximise the potential of your current space while saving on moving expenses.

Success Stories

Discover more about our full-service offering


  • An office fit-out involves fitting out a new or existing space to meet the needs of the occupant, while an office refurbishment involves updating and improving an existing space to enhance its functionality, aesthetics, and overall performance.

  • Signs that your office may need a refurbishment include outdated design elements, inefficient use of space, lack of collaboration areas, poor lighting, or an overall decline in employee satisfaction and productivity. If any of these factors are impacting your workspace, it may be time to consider a refurbishment.

  • The duration of an office refurbishment project depends on the scope and complexity of the work. Smaller refurbishments may take only a few weeks, while larger, more intricate projects could take several months.

  • It is possible to carry out an office refurbishment while your team continues to work on-site, with our team coordinating the project in phases to minimise disruption. However, this decision ultimately depends on your specific needs and circumstances.

  • We carefully plan and schedule each phase of the refurbishment process to minimise disruption to your daily operations. This may involve working outside of your normal business hours, coordinating tasks to limit noise and dust, or completing the project in stages to allow for continued use of the space.

  • At POS, we prioritise health and safety during every stage of the refurbishment process. Our team adheres to strict guidelines and industry best practices to ensure a safe working environment for both our contractors and your employees throughout the project.

  • Absolutely! Our team is well-versed in sustainable design practices and can help you select eco-friendly materials, energy-efficient lighting, and other environmentally-conscious elements to create a greener and more sustainable workspace.

Image of a collaborative space in the POS Studiio.

Discover Your Ideal Workspace Today

Start your journey with POS and let us create a workspace that elevates your business. Get in touch with our team of experts to discuss your project and discover the possibilities.